
Dragondyce is a fairly new gambling site which stems from the oldest Runescape gambling clan
which we have all grown up to love and cherish. Dragondyce offers a variety of gambling games which you,
the player can partake in. There are Dice Duels where you and your opponent roll a 2-12 die and the highest roll wins.
There is Blackjack, roulette and a slot machine. On Dragondyce we host all kinds of free hourly games
where you can compete and win prizes.
On Dragondyce we give the player the choice to buy his rank up.
The higher the rank, the more hefty stuff that will be unlocked for you.
For example if you would like to partake in chest openings you would have to have the rank of bronze or higher.
When buying a Rank: be 100% sure you want that specific rank before you buying, there are no refunds !!!!! -
All hosts are insured up to their max limits - do not bet above a rank's max limit unless they have been given
permission to take it. We only refund if there is valid proof. We refund the amount you bet in case a rank scams,
we do not pay out any winnings you made for safety, ranks and customers can team up to scam the clan.
To verify if a rank has permission, an Admin or Mod will confirm in the FC/DISCORD that the
Bettors do not have a choice of who they go against. Customers always have priority to go against you over a Rank.
You can ask a rank to go against them not to go vs. someone, however, if the rank ends up putting you vs another rank thats clan priority.
We do not refund anything besides bets on ranks when they are hosting within the discord.
Ranks are only trusted to take bets up to their limits within the discord or our website only, not elsewhere on any other platforms.
In the rare event a host scams a bet/trade, regardless of the outcome of the stake, we only refund the bet you placed on the host. Do not bet above a ranks max, you will not be refunded in any instance if a scam was to occur. Ranks are only insured up to their max limit for hosting bets (flower games and staking), middlemanning and swapping.
Do not loan any GP to ranks, or ask them to do stakes off stream, as they are not allowed.
While using our services please be cautious. Hosts, admins or any staff member will never PM you asking for money in any way.
Please be careful of impostors. Ensure all trades are confirmed within the Dragon Dyce discord channels to ensure you are trading the correct person when you are betting, swapping or trading - never confirm a trade solely via PM, our hosts are trained to NEVER do this!
Click on a hosts name on the bar located on the right hand side to see what the hosts real username is to ensure you are talking to the correct person if you are speaking in PM e.g.
Dragon#5466 , as someone else can make an impostor account called Dragon#3214 for example.
Dragondyce is the most immersive gambling organisation alive on Runescape to date.
It gives the player the freedom and the choice to act freely upon the site.
Dragondyce is the safest and most convenient gambling site on the market. Join us today!